Category Archives: I Am a Scientist STEM

Inspiring the next generation of scientists.

Wailua Elementary School, 6 October 2017

Wailua Elementary School 5th graders were transformed into Molecular Biologists as they put on their lab coats, safety glasses, and gloves.

IAS at Waialua Elementary School

Using micro pippetors, tubes and chemicals, they extracted their own DNA from their cheek cells.

IAS at Waialua Elementary School

It was exciting to see how much DNA each scientist was able to collect into a small glass vial that they got to keep.

To better understand the DNA code, the young scientists created their own DNA name sequence using colored beads to represent each of the four nucleotides.

“This is the best day ever,” was what one student scientist exclaimed.

Click here to visit the Wailua Elementary School photo gallery

IAS at Waialua elementary SChool