Category Archives: I Am a Scientist STEM

Inspiring the next generation of scientists.

Myron B. Thompson Academy 2nd & 3rd graders

On September 20th, 2nd and 3rd graders from the Myron B Thompson Academy visited Chaminade University for a campus tour and a scientific laboratory experience with research scientists.

Myron B. Academy 2nd graders
IAS staff and the 2nd grade scientists of Myron B. Academy in their lab coats!

Since it’s never too early to start thinking about college, these students toured our campus by visiting the student center, checked out the library, looked in on classrooms, met professors, and explored a research laboratory.

Myron B. Academy 3rd graders
IAS staff and the 3rd grade scientists of Myron B. Academy in their lab coats!

They also spent time in our science teaching laboratory to learn about sugar by conducting experiments. They used a scale to weigh out the amount of sugar contained in a beverage to be able to see how much sugar they consume. They discovered that dissolved sugar is not easy to see, so they used hydrometers to determine the amount of dissolved sugar in various solutions. They used scales, graduated cylinders, beakers, and stir plates to see how quickly different amounts of sugar dissolves in water. Using test tubed and a vortex mixer, they discovered that there is a limit to the amount of sugar that can be dissolved in water. They also got to spend time with real live scientists and ask us all sorts of questions.

See Myron B. Thompson Academy photo gallery